

Representing Continuous Games as Discrete Games PDF
Thomas Forster, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, U.K.

09/28/2012, 2pm, GHC 8102


Typical examples of continuous games are Pursuer-Evader games: lion-antelope, homicidal chauffeur etc. The players do not take turns to make moves, and they can make their moves at any time. Discrete (“combinatorial”) games are exemplified by Chess, Go, etc. These two classes of games enjoy two completely disjoint mathematical treatments. In this talk I illustrate how any pursuit-evader game can be represented as a discrete game - albeit one of imperfect information.


Thomas Forster did a first degree in Philosophy and Music but his Ph.D. was in Mathematical Logic (Cambridge 1977), on Quine's Set Theory NF.

He has spent most of his working life in Cambridge, though he was a Pittsburgh Centre Fellow in 2003. Now semiretired, he still lectures Part III in Cambridge, and supervises undergraduates and Ph.D. students, but travels more than hitherto.


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nsfSupported by an Expeditions in Computing award from the National Science Foundation